Prepare Your IoT for Takeoff
Rapidly build, test, deploy, and scale your IoT solutions using established templates. The program covers these commonly needed solutions and hundreds of others::
Automated Rail
Smart Monitoring
Real Time Location
Connected Product
IoT is an emerging technology and most want to see it work on a smaller scale before spending extensive deployment capital. Clovity excels at ensuring our clients are able to "test drive" our platform in real time with both real or mock sensor data. It is crucial that our clients see the value up front before taking the larger decision of deploying the solution across the whole organization. With CSensorNet's out of the box capabilities and customization capabilities, IoT pilots are able to be spun up quickly for numerous use cases. If you can dream up an IoT solution, we can connect, secure, and scale it with our platform.
Working through the requirements necessary to properly configure the solution template. During this phase, we address…
What source protocols will be included (BLE, MODbus, etc.)
What mappings are necessary to take the source data from the source protocol and map it into the template expected data pipeline.
Rules and Actions:
What states in the normalized causes different actions to take place?
Setting up the IoT solution to fit the needs laid out in the Discover phase.
Making sure your IoT is ready for launch.
Up and Running in Hours
6 Weeks to Prove ROI
Up and Running in Hours
8 Weeks to Prove ROI
Up and Running in Hours
19 Weeks to Prove ROI
Build your integrations, messaging, business rules and more with the CSensorNet IoT Platform.
Build and run edge processing and connectivity on your IoT gateway of choice.
Get up to speed and working fast with CSensorNet IoT onboarding and training.
Access to an extensive library of pre-built integrations, SDKs, APIs, and documentation.
Receive a limited subscription development license for the CSensorNet IoT Platform deployed on-premises or in the cloud and one CSensorNet Edge Platform development license that can be installed on your IoT gateway hardware of choice.
Includes additional services available for enhanced platform support or IoT development.
Using CSensorNet is simple and turnkey, however there are times when Clovity may need to step in to help with a particular integration or feature set up. The development experts at Clovity can guide or take over the action to ensure that CSensorNet is fitting our clients needs precisely. Reach out to us for help, we are always ready to assist.
Nothing is better than seeing a particular technology in action to judge its value. Schedule some time with our CSensorNet experts to show you how our solution can bring your connected device initiatives to life in a matter of days or weeks, not months or years.